Faith & Friends with Georgia Brown
Hi friend! I'm SO glad you're here. My name is Georgia Brown, your sister in Christ, biggest fan, and host of Faith & Friends. Each episode we will be sitting down with a friend, some new, some older, and we will chat about all things God is doing in this season of their life! I cannot wait to celebrate these amazing people and share them with you. Thanks for listening! You are SO loved.
127 episodes
Our Honeymoon with the Lord with Ryan Williams
Welcome back to Faith & Friends! This past week we recapped our wedding. It was such a joy to reflect on our special day with YOU! And this week, join us as we recount the beauty that the Lord unfolded before us during our first days of MAR...
Season 6
Episode 128

WEDDING RECAP *with my husband* Ryan Williams
Hi, hello, HEY THERE friends! It's been a MINUTE and what a JOY it is to be BACK and better than ever... with a new last name! Georgia Brown Williams! Today Ryan and I are recapping the best day of our life, OUR WEDDING DAY!&n...
Season 6
Episode 127

When your best friend gets into a Relationship with Ryan Williams and Jaylon Hodges
So what happens when your bestie gets into a relationship? How do you "balance" it all? How do you love your village well while trying to lean into a new season? How to do you celebrate while also, a relationship is a desire of your heart, too?...
Season 6
Episode 126

There's comfort and conviction in growth with Georgia Brown
Welcome back, friends! Golly, what a beautiful past few weeks we have had in relationships, and even sharing a sharp message from John 4 last week! Sweet people, you know how I love you so much. If you've been here since the beginn...
Season 6
Episode 125

The Well is Waiting with Georgia Brown | Faith & Friends
Welcome to another episode of faith & friends!! The past 3 episodes of this season, we have been chatting with my fiance, Ryan Williams! This week, I wanted to invite you into my Church’s Women’s Conference—Encounter the Glory! I had the HO...
Season 6
Episode 124

Sacred over Seen in Relationships with Ryan Williams
Welcome to PART THREE of all things relationship and courtship over the past 9 months of our journey together! This episode is all over the place, so grab the nuggets as we go! We pray this truly ministers to you and meets you right where you'r...
Season 6
Episode 123

Letting God Write Your Love Story PART TWO with Ryan Williams
Friends lets pick up where we left off... Welcome back to the story only God can write. I gotta be honest, part two is my favorite. Buckle in for some Holy Spirit bite sized nuggets of wisdom, love, encouragement, joy, and practica...
Season 6
Episode 122

Letting God Write Your Love Story PART ONE with Ryan Williams
I am unbelievably HUMBLED and HONORED, for the first time EVER to introduce to YOUUU, my fiancé, Ryan Williams! TODAY, we are unpacking the story of how God brought us together and whe...
Season 6
Episode 121

How to Start a Prayer Closet with Georgia Brown
Out of ALL the questions I get asked, this is BY FAR the question I get asked the most... "HOW DO YOU START A PRAYER CLOSET?"SooOoOOoo friend, let's talk about all the things!HOW to do soWHY is it importantWHAT is t...
Season 6
Episode 120

New Study Bible Alert!!! Living a life of Courage with Ann White
We could all use a little more courage. And this will naturally come when we are in GODS WORD!! Today we are chatting with Ann White, founder of Courage for Life, and the author of the
Season 5
Episode 119

Makeup Brand Based on the Women of the Bible?! YES PLEASE! with Hope Harvard
Makeup isn't meant to cover up... it's meant to enhance the beauty you already have! Do you know what you're coming into agreement with, as you buy and place these products on your face and skin?! Shades like, "booty call" or "bette...
Season 5
Episode 118

Staying Free through Truth + Laughter with AwakenwithJP
We're all about Faith & Friends & today, with JP Sears, let's chat about free speech and F-U-N!JP is a YouTuber, comedian, author, speaker, and a curious student of life. His...
Season 5
Episode 117

The Significance of Boldly Sharing Your Story with Willie and Korie Robertson
PLEASE tell me you've seen at least ONE episode of Duck Dynasty?! It's sooo good! "Faith. Family. Ducks... in that order." is the Robertson Family motto. Today we are hanging out with Willie and Kori...
Season 5
Episode 116

How to have Unwavering Faith with Alexandra Hoover
How do we trust God day in and day out? When the odds are stacked against us? In the moments when we're left wondering, "How will I ever get back up?" THERE'S GOOD NEWS, FRIEND. A life of resilient faith IS POSSIBLE. Meet
Season 5
Episode 114

It's time to Break Up with what Broke You with Christian Bevere
He redeems all things. I know... after what you've been through... the hurt, the pain, the trials. The night seems so dark sometimes, its hard to see the hope or believe there is day breaking ahead. I've been there too, friend. ...
Season 5
Episode 113

When a Friendship Falls Apart with Elizabeth Laing Thompson
We all long for "friends forever"--but what happens when forever ends? This week, we are hanging out with Elizabeth Laing Thompson as she shares with us how to process struggling friendships...
Season 5
Episode 112

If we want to BE different we have to DO different with Georgia Brown
YOU were made to stand out!YOU ARE...a difference maker. An atmosphere shaker, A Kingdom KIDDO!When it comes to our calling... our friendships, relationships, families--if we want to SEE things done differently, it begins with us DO...
Season 5
Episode 111

Let's Pray over Your School Year with Georgia Brown
Where did the summer go?! I sure hope you had the sweetest summer. Sleeping in... pool... trips... camps... friends...late nights...sleepovers... what else did you do? I can't believe it's time to get back into the swing of thin...
Season 5
Episode 110

3 Lies we've been told (and sold) about our bodies with Leslie Schilling
Every body is beautiful.Do you believe it? Well... you may believe it for HER, or HIM... but do you believe this is true about YOU? I know. I've been there, too. Thinking that either skipping meals, watching my portions,...
Season 5
Episode 109

"HI GOD IT'S ME" SOLD OUT?! with Georgia Brown
IS THIS REAL LIFE?! It's launch week! FRIEND, I am beyond grateful that my first ever devotional, "Hi God, it's Me: 20 Days to a Stron...
Season 5
Episode 108

My Prayer for You with Georgia Brown
Can I tell you a little secret?!I'm praying for you. YUP! It's true! I can't believe it, but 20 Fridays ago we started this prayer series, going alongside the devotional, "Hi God, it's Me: 20 Days to a stronger more powerful pra...
Season 5
Episode 107

Jesus' Prayer for YOU with Emma Mae McDaniel
Y E S ! Jesus prayed for YOU. How comforting and encouraging is that?! Today we are diving into the High Priestly Prayer with the one and only, Emma Mae McDaniel!!! I am so grateful for this Bible Buddy of min...
Season 5
Episode 106

Prayer is Praise with Laney Rene
One way to strengthen our relationship with the Father is to praise Him as we talk to Him. Prayer, is a form of PRAISE. We can come to Him, boldly, and
Season 5
Episode 105

What to Pray when You Don't Know what to Say with Hannah Bradley
Have you ever been so broken where you want to pray, but you don't know what to say? Where words don't form, but tears do? I've been there, friend. If you have ever felt this way, this episode is for YOU! Today w...
Season 5
Episode 104

How to have a Heavenly Perspective with Sierra Jo Dominguez
Sometimes all we need is a change of perspective. No need for rose colored glasses, when you can put on a Heavenly perspective of not just choosing to see the GOOD, but choosing--GOD. Today we are hanging out with my mentor,
Season 5
Episode 103