Faith & Friends with Georgia Brown

Don't give the Devil your Tongue Today with Mignon Francois

Georgia Brown Season 5 Episode 99

Do you realize how much power your words truly carry?

From your name, to the things you say without even thinking... there is power behind the pause. Think before you speak! & choose to speak life!

This SWEET conversation with the Founder of The Cupcake Collection, Mignon Francios,  took a Holy Spirit led turn as we talked about the power our words hold, and the worlds they either create... or destroy!

In this conversation we talk about...
-The significance of your name! It's the word thats spoken over you most
-How we are to do things out of FAITH, not out of fear
-Mignon's new book, "Made From Scratch" (order HERE!)
-The importance of continually seeking the Lord for clarity 
-How to finish well. Many start projects/businesses, but few finish!

I pray this conversation blessed you, friend! It sure hyped me up. I am so grateful Mignon knows THE WORD! Out of the overflow of the heart, the mouth speaks, and wow it was so sweet to behold her life breathing words straight from Gods word!

Love ya! 
& I'll see you Friday for EPISODE 100 (yay!!!) as we continue in our PRAYER SERIES!!

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